Dreaming about...
I just had a vivid day dream about my future computer: a 12+ inch hi-res tablet with an open OS (Android is good, something with full support for GNU would be even better), with wireless power/charging (e.g. on table top), and with wireless connection to a big external display (say 27" 2560x1440) as a second screen.
Then I could be ready to give up a real computer. And it would be a step towards the paperless office: I could finally review papers (say in PDF) on the computer, as opposed to printing them out and scribbling notes on paper, which is clearly slow and wasteful.
Estimated time of arrival: 2015-2020 for mass-market hardware. If Steve Jobs was still alive and kicking, I'd be expecting Apple to do it.
Dear Hollywood
The EFF has published "Dear Hollywood: An Open Letter to the Hardworking Men and Women in the Entertainment Industries", which is well written and worth reading, especially if you're in the entertainment industry (not that I'd expect to have readers from the entertainment industry, but that's all right on the internet). This matters, and I care about the issue.
Information wants to be free (and services don't)
Tim Bray just posted a blog post on how information wants to be free and how that's not actually a problem, economically speaking.
Two choice quotes: "the distinction between bits-as-bits and bits-as-a-service may not always be obvious. But it’s crucial, because people will pay for only one of the two." and "» I don’t sell information ... I sell services. «"
This is the kind of thing that Web services ultimately should be about.
AppleScript to export all Stickies to text files
I was looking for a way to put my Mac Stickies on my Android phone, as as the first solution, I just save the text of all the stickies into a bunch of text files that I can then copy to the phone.
To save the stickies on OSX Lion, I found an AppleScript script that does that, except it has problems with double quotes in the stickies, so I tweaked it, see below.
One remaining limitation is that it can't handle spaces, so I run the script manually on every space that has some stickies on it - the script creates new files for all the stickies. This also means that if you already saved some stickies and you rerun the script on the same screen, you'll get duplicates. If you know how to fix the access to stickies on all spaces, please let me know.
Here's the script:
set theName to "" set i to 0 set n to {} set L to {} set destFldr to "" set mydestFldr to "" if destFldr = "" then set destFldr to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a destination folder:") as text set mydestFldr to POSIX path of destFldr end if tell application "Stickies" activate tell application "System Events" tell application process "Stickies" set L to name of windows try repeat with awindow in L set m to value of text area 1 of scroll area 1 of window awindow set end of n to m end repeat end try repeat with acontent in n repeat set i to i + 1 set theName to mydestFldr & "stickies" & "_" & (i as string) & ".txt" set existsFlag to "" tell application "Finder" to if exists theName as POSIX file then set existsFlag to "yes" if (existsFlag = "") then exit repeat end repeat try set theFileReference to open for access theName with write permission write acontent to theFileReference close access theFileReference end try end repeat end tell end tell tell application "Finder" activate open destFldr end tell end tell
WSMO-Lite W3C Submission
The W3C has acknowledged WSMO-Lite, a lightweight set of terms for describing the semantics of Web services that builds on the standard SAWSDL. According to the W3C's own Team comment, WSMO-Lite "is a useful addition to SAWSDL for annotations of existing services and the combination of both techniques can certainly be applied to a large number of semantic Web services use cases."
So now, if you were interested in what SAWSDL could be useful for, here's an answer. We are using WSMO-Lite for semantic Web services automation in the project SOA4All, and especially in the SWS registry iServe.
We also apply WSMO-Lite to RESTful Web services - through the microformat hRESTS we structure the HTML documentation that every RESTful API has, and then it's easy to add SAWSDL/WSMO-Lite annotations.
So that's what's been keeping me busy.
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